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Content copy and publication contract

It's a link between me and someone who wants to copy or transfer a topic from the site, well now you want to copy a topic and put it on your site or your own blog to make a deal between us. You want to do this, but there are conditions that you know writing topics is tedious Especially since it can take days to prepare it to collect information, verify it and try it out if the topic is needed to be implemented, so you should not copy the content in accordance with the effort that has been made to write the information, we welcome all work based on increasing knowledge and Arabic content, but there are conditions and rules that must be Be careful not to be a content thief and I think it might not be nice for you to call that word, especially between yourself and yourself, and you know that the word of thanks you hear comes from others.

Terms of the content transfer and publication agreement

  • To not modify any text on the subject, it must be transferred as it exists.
  • At the end of the message, you must mention the original source of the message and not delete it completely.
  • Do not edit any images or videos on the blog.
  • The writing of the source should be clear and visible to the readers of the site.

How to write the source
Primary Source: joudyano
Parent topic link: "Put the topic link here"

What if I break this agreement?
  • First, a request will be sent to permanently delete the topic.
  • If you violate the site contract, you will be presented with a DMCA message to your web host to remove the pages and notify you that your site will be permanently deleted.
  • If your web host does not cooperate, a complaint will be sent to Google to remove your site from the Google search engine.
Content on the Internet is not intended for copying and transmission
I am not free to transfer topics, but the topic is handled according to the laws, for example:
DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a law designed to protect intellectual rights in the United States, criminalizes fraud and piracy of electronic products and protects the electronic rights of authors. This law was passed on October 12, 1998 after receiving a unanimous vote from the US Senate.

This law came into effect after President Bill Clinton approved it on October 28, 1998, a law that seeks to compel Internet service providers (such as hosting companies, for example) to prevent their customers from violating the electronic rights of others (by placing / using / distributing illegal copies of electronic products on the hosting) The law also requires them to take firm action as soon as the infringement becomes apparent.

thanks for your understanding
